Source code for discorpy.prep.preprocessing

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# Author: Nghia T. Vo
# E-mail: 
# Publication date: 10th July 2018
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Module of pre-processing methods:

- Normalize, binarize an image.
- Determine the median dot-size, median distance between two nearest dots,
  and the slopes of grid-lines of a dot-pattern image.
- Remove non-dot objects or misplaced dots.
- Group dot-centroids into horizontal lines and vertical lines.
- Calculate a threshold value for binarizing.


import numpy as np
from scipy import ndimage as ndi
from scipy.fftpack import fft2, ifft2
from scipy.ndimage.measurements import center_of_mass
from skimage.filters import threshold_otsu
from skimage.segmentation import clear_border
import skimage.morphology as morph
import skimage.measure as meas
from skimage.transform import radon

[docs] def normalization(mat, size=51): """ Correct a non-uniform background of an image using the median filter. Parameters ---------- mat : array_like 2D array. size : int Size of the median filter. Returns ------- array_like 2D array. Corrected background. """ mat_bck = ndi.median_filter(mat, size, mode="reflect") mean_val = np.mean(mat_bck) try: mat_cor = mean_val * mat / mat_bck except ZeroDivisionError: mat_bck[mat_bck == 0.0] = mean_val mat_cor = mean_val * mat / mat_bck return mat_cor
def _make_window(height, width, sigma=10): """ Create a 2D Gaussian window. Parameters ---------- height : int Height of the window. width : int Width of the window. sigma : int Sigma of the Gaussian window. Returns ------- array_like 2D array. """ xcenter = (width - 1.0) / 2.0 ycenter = (height - 1.0) / 2.0 y, x = np.ogrid[-ycenter:height - ycenter, -xcenter:width - xcenter] num = 2.0 * sigma * sigma window = np.exp(-(x * x / num + y * y / num)) return window def _apply_fft_filter(mat, sigma, pad, mode='reflect'): """ Apply a Fourier Gaussian filter. Parameters ---------- mat : array_like 2D array. sigma : int Sigma of the Gaussian filter. pad : int Pad width. Returns ------- array_like 2D array. Filtered image. """ mat = np.pad(mat, ((pad, pad), (pad, pad)), mode=mode) (height, width) = mat.shape window = _make_window(height, width, sigma) xlist = np.arange(0, width) ylist = np.arange(0, height) x, y = np.meshgrid(xlist, ylist) matsign = np.power(-1.0, x + y) mat = np.real(ifft2(fft2(mat * matsign) * window) * matsign) return mat[pad:height - pad, pad:width - pad]
[docs] def normalization_fft(mat, sigma=10, pad=100, mode='reflect'): """ Correct a non-uniform background image using a Fourier Gaussian filter. Parameters ---------- mat : array_like 2D array. sigma : int Sigma of the Gaussian. pad : int Pad width. mode : str Padding mode. Returns ------- array_like 2D array. Corrected background image. """ mat_bck = _apply_fft_filter(mat, sigma, pad, mode=mode) mean_val = np.mean(mat_bck) try: mat_cor = mean_val * mat / mat_bck except ZeroDivisionError: mat_bck[mat_bck == 0.0] = mean_val mat_cor = mean_val * mat / mat_bck return mat_cor
def _select_roi(mat, ratio, square=False): """ Select ROI around the middle of an image. Parameters ---------- mat : array_like 2D array. ratio : float Ratio between the ROI size and the image size. square : bool, optional To get a square area or not. Returns ------- array_like 2D array. """ (height, width) = mat.shape ratio = np.clip(ratio, 0.05, 1.0) if square is True: c_hei = height // 2 c_wid = width // 2 radi = int(ratio * min(height, width)) // 2 mat_roi = mat[c_hei - radi:c_hei + radi, c_wid - radi: c_wid + radi] else: depad_hei = int((height - ratio * height) / 2) depad_wid = int((width - ratio * width) / 2) mat_roi = mat[depad_hei:height - depad_hei, depad_wid:width - depad_wid] return mat_roi def _invert_dots_contrast(mat): """ Invert the contrast of a 2D binary array to make sure that dots are white. Parameters ---------- mat : array_like 2D binary array. Returns ------- array_like 2D array. """ (height, width) = mat.shape ratio = np.sum(mat) / (height * width) max_val = np.max(mat) if ratio > 0.5: mat = max_val - mat return mat
[docs] def binarization(mat, ratio=0.3, thres=None, denoise=True): """ Apply a list of operations: binarizing an 2D array; inverting the contrast of dots if needs to; removing border components; cleaning salty noise; and filling holes. Parameters ---------- mat : array_like 2D array. ratio : float Used to select the ROI around the middle of the image for calculating threshold. thres : float, optional Threshold for binarizing. Automatically calculated if None. denoise : bool, optional Apply denoising to the image if True. Returns ------- array_like 2D binary array. """ if denoise: mat = ndi.median_filter(np.abs(mat), (2, 2)) if thres is None: thres = threshold_otsu(_select_roi(mat, ratio), nbins=512) mat = np.asarray(mat > thres, dtype=np.float32) mat = _invert_dots_contrast(mat) mat = clear_border(mat) mat = morph.opening(mat, morph.disk(1)) mat = np.int16(ndi.binary_fill_holes(mat)) return mat
[docs] def check_num_dots(mat): """ Check if the number of dots is not enough for parabolic fit. Parameters ---------- mat : array_like 2D binary array. Returns ------- bool True means not enough. """ check = False _, num_dots = ndi.label(mat) if num_dots < 5 * 5: print("WARNING!!! Number of detected dots: {}".format(num_dots)) print("is not enough for the algorithm to work!") check = True return check
[docs] def calc_size_distance(mat, ratio=0.3): """ Find the median size of dots and the median distance between two nearest dots. Parameters ---------- mat : array_like 2D binary array. ratio : float Used to select the ROI around the middle of an image. Returns ------- dot_size : float Median size of the dots. dot_dist : float Median distance between two nearest dots. """ mat = _select_roi(mat, ratio) mat = np.int16(clear_border(mat)) mat_label, num_dots = ndi.label(mat) list_index = np.arange(1, num_dots + 1) list_sum = ndi.sum(mat, labels=mat_label, index=list_index) dot_size = np.median(list_sum) list_cent = np.asarray( center_of_mass(mat, labels=mat_label, index=list_index)) list_dist = [np.sort(np.sqrt((dot[0] - list_cent[:, 0]) ** 2 + (dot[1] - list_cent[:, 1]) ** 2))[1] for dot in list_cent] dot_dist = np.median(list_dist) return dot_size, dot_dist
def _check_dot_size(mat, min_size, max_size): """ Check if the size of a dot is in a range. Parameters ---------- mat : array_like 2D binary array. min_size : float Minimum size. max_size : float Maximum size. Returns ------- bool """ check = False dot_size = mat.sum() if (dot_size >= min_size) and (dot_size <= max_size): check = True return check
[docs] def select_dots_based_size(mat, dot_size, ratio=0.3): """ Select dots having a certain size. Parameters ---------- mat : array_like 2D binary array. dot_size : float Size of the standard dot. ratio : float Used to calculate the acceptable range. [dot_size - ratio*dot_size; dot_size + ratio*dot_size] Returns ------- array_like 2D array. Selected dots. """ min_size = np.clip(dot_size - ratio * dot_size, 0, None) max_size = dot_size + ratio * dot_size mat_label, _ = ndi.label(np.int16(mat)) list_dots = ndi.find_objects(mat_label) dots_selected = [dot for dot in list_dots if _check_dot_size(mat[dot], min_size, max_size)] mat1 = np.zeros_like(mat, dtype=np.int16) for _, j in enumerate(dots_selected): mat1[j] = mat[j] return mat1
def _check_axes_ratio(mat, ratio): """ Check if the ratio of the axes length of a fitted ellipse is smaller than a threshold. Parameters ---------- mat : array_like 2D binary array. ratio : float Threshold value. Returns ------- bool """ check = False (height, width) = mat.shape if (height < 2) or (width < 2): return check minor_axis = meas.regionprops(mat)[0].minor_axis_length major_axis = meas.regionprops(mat)[0].major_axis_length if (height > 1) and (width > 1): val = np.abs(major_axis / minor_axis - 1.0) if val < ratio: check = True else: check = False return check
[docs] def select_dots_based_ratio(mat, ratio=0.3): """ Select dots having the ratio between the axes length of the fitted ellipse smaller than a threshold. Parameters ---------- mat : array_like 2D binary array. ratio : float Threshold value. Returns ------- array_like 2D array. Selected dots. """ mat = np.int16(mat) mat_label, _ = ndi.label(mat) list_dots = ndi.find_objects(mat_label) dots_selected = [dot for dot in list_dots if _check_axes_ratio(mat[dot], ratio)] mat1 = np.zeros_like(mat) for _, j in enumerate(dots_selected): mat1[j] = mat[j] return mat1
[docs] def select_dots_based_distance(mat, dot_dist, ratio=0.3): """ Select dots having a certain range of distance to theirs neighbouring dots. Parameters ---------- mat : array_like 2D array. dot_dist : float Median distance of two nearest dots. ratio : float Used to calculate acceptable range. Returns ------- array_like 2D array. Selected dots. """ mat = np.int16(mat) mat_label, num_dots = ndi.label(mat) list_dots = ndi.find_objects(mat_label) list_index = np.arange(1, num_dots + 1) list_cent = np.asarray( center_of_mass(mat, labels=mat_label, index=list_index)) list_dist = np.asarray([np.sort(np.sqrt( (dot[0] - list_cent[:, 0]) ** 2 + (dot[1] - list_cent[:, 1]) ** 2))[1:4] for dot in list_cent]) mat1 = np.zeros_like(mat) for i, j in enumerate(list_dots): dist = list_dist[i] num = dist // dot_dist dist_error = (dist - num * dot_dist) / dot_dist if any(dist_error < ratio): mat1[j] = mat[j] return mat1
[docs] def calc_hor_slope(mat, ratio=0.3): """ Calculate the slope of horizontal lines against the horizontal axis. Parameters ---------- mat : array_like 2D binary array. ratio : float Used to select the ROI around the middle of an image. Returns ------- float Horizontal slope of the grid. """ coarse_range = 30.0 # Degree radi = np.pi / 180.0 mat = np.int16(clear_border(_select_roi(mat, ratio))) (height, width) = mat.shape list_angle = 90.0 + np.arange(-coarse_range, coarse_range + 1.0) projections = radon(np.float32(mat), theta=list_angle, circle=False) list_max = np.amax(projections, axis=0) best_angle = -(list_angle[np.argmax(list_max)] - 90.0) dist_error = 0.5 * width * (np.tan(radi) / np.cos(best_angle * radi)) mat_label, num_dots = ndi.label(mat) list_index = np.arange(1, num_dots + 1) list_cent = np.asarray( center_of_mass(mat, labels=mat_label, index=list_index)) list_cent = - list_cent # For coordinate consistency mean_x = np.mean(list_cent[:, 1]) mean_y = np.mean(list_cent[:, 0]) index_mid_dot = np.argsort(np.sqrt((mean_x - list_cent[:, 1]) ** 2 + (mean_y - list_cent[:, 0]) ** 2))[0] used_dot = list_cent[index_mid_dot] line_slope = np.tan(best_angle * radi) list_tmp = np.sqrt( np.ones(num_dots, dtype=np.float32) * line_slope ** 2 + 1.0) list_tmp2 = used_dot[0] * np.ones( num_dots, dtype=np.float32) - line_slope * used_dot[1] list_dist = np.abs( line_slope * list_cent[:, 1] - list_cent[:, 0] + list_tmp2) / list_tmp dots_selected = np.asarray( [dot for i, dot in enumerate(list_cent) if list_dist[i] < dist_error]) if len(dots_selected) > 1: slope = np.polyfit(dots_selected[:, 1], dots_selected[:, 0], 1)[0] else: slope = line_slope return slope
[docs] def calc_ver_slope(mat, ratio=0.3): """ Calculate the slope of vertical lines against the vertical axis. Parameters ---------- mat : array_like 2D binary array. ratio : float Used to select the ROI around the middle of a image. Returns ------- float Vertical slope of the grid. """ coarse_range = 30.0 radi = np.pi / 180.0 mat = np.int16(clear_border(_select_roi(mat, ratio))) (height, width) = mat.shape list_angle = np.arange(-coarse_range, coarse_range + 1.0) projections = radon(np.float32(mat), theta=list_angle, circle=False) list_max = np.amax(projections, axis=0) best_angle = (list_angle[np.argmax(list_max)]) dist_error = 0.5 * width * np.tan(radi) / np.cos(best_angle * radi) mat_label, num_dots = ndi.label(mat) list_index = np.arange(1, num_dots + 1) list_cent = np.fliplr( np.asarray(center_of_mass(mat, labels=mat_label, index=list_index))) mean_x = np.mean(list_cent[:, 1]) mean_y = np.mean(list_cent[:, 0]) index_mid_dot = np.argsort(np.sqrt((mean_x - list_cent[:, 1]) ** 2 + (mean_y - list_cent[:, 0]) ** 2))[0] used_dot = list_cent[index_mid_dot] line_slope = np.tan(best_angle * radi) list_tmp = np.sqrt( np.ones(num_dots, dtype=np.float32) * line_slope ** 2 + 1.0) list_tmp2 = used_dot[0] * np.ones( num_dots, dtype=np.float32) - line_slope * used_dot[1] list_dist = np.abs( line_slope * list_cent[:, 1] - list_cent[:, 0] + list_tmp2) / list_tmp dots_selected = np.asarray( [dot for i, dot in enumerate(list_cent) if list_dist[i] < dist_error]) if len(dots_selected) > 1: slope = np.polyfit(dots_selected[:, 1], dots_selected[:, 0], 1)[0] else: slope = line_slope return slope
def _check_dot_on_line(dot1, dot2, slope, dot_dist, ratio, num_dot_miss): """ Check if dot1 and dot2 belong to the same group. Parameters ---------- dot1 : list of float Coordinate of dot1. dot2 : list of float Coordinate of dot2. slope : float Slope of the line of dots. dot_dist : float Median distance of two nearest dots. ratio : float Acceptable variation. num_dot_miss : int Acceptable missing dots between dot1 and dot2. Returns ------- bool """ check = False dist_error = ratio * dot_dist search_dist = num_dot_miss * dot_dist if len(dot1) == 2 and len(dot2) == 2: xmin = dot1[1] - search_dist xmax = dot1[1] + search_dist if xmin < dot2[1] < xmax: ntemp1 = np.sqrt(slope * slope + 1.0) ntemp2 = dot1[0] - slope * dot1[1] dist_d12 = np.abs(slope * dot2[1] - dot2[0] + ntemp2) / ntemp1 if dist_d12 < dist_error: check = True else: raise ValueError("Invalid input!!!") return check
[docs] def group_dots_hor_lines(mat, slope, dot_dist, ratio=0.3, num_dot_miss=6, accepted_ratio=0.65): """ Group dots into horizontal lines. Parameters ---------- mat : array_like A binary image or a list of (y,x)-coordinates of points. slope : float Horizontal slope of the grid. dot_dist : float Median distance of two nearest dots. ratio : float Acceptable variation. num_dot_miss : int Acceptable missing dots between dot1 and dot2. accepted_ratio : float Use to select lines having the number of dots equal to or larger than the multiplication of the `accepted_ratio` and the maximum number of dots per line. Returns ------- list of array_like List of 2D arrays. Each list is the coordinates (y, x) of dot-centroids belong to the same group. Length of each list may be different. """ mat = np.asarray(mat) if mat.shape[-1] > 2: mat_label, num_dots = ndi.label(np.int16(mat)) list_dots = np.copy(center_of_mass( mat, labels=mat_label, index=np.arange(1, num_dots + 1))) else: list_dots = mat num_dots = len(list_dots) if num_dots == 0: raise ValueError("Input is empty!!!") num_dots_left = num_dots list_dots_left = np.copy(list_dots) list_dots_left = list_dots_left[list_dots_left[:, 1].argsort()] list_lines = [] while num_dots_left > 1: dot1 = list_dots_left[0] dots_selected = np.asarray([dot1]) pos_get = [0] for i in range(1, len(list_dots_left)): dot2 = list_dots_left[i] check = _check_dot_on_line( dot1, dot2, slope, dot_dist, ratio, num_dot_miss) if check: dot1 = dot2 dots_selected = np.vstack((dots_selected, dot2)) pos_get.append(i) list_pos = np.arange(0, len(list_dots_left), dtype=np.int32) pos_get = np.asarray(pos_get, dtype=np.int32) list_pos_left = np.asarray( [pos for pos in list_pos if pos not in pos_get], dtype=np.int32) list_dots_left = list_dots_left[list_pos_left] num_dots_left = len(list_dots_left) if len(dots_selected) > 1: list_lines.append(dots_selected) list_len = [len(i) for i in list_lines] len_accepted = np.int16(accepted_ratio * np.max(list_len)) lines_selected = [line for line in list_lines if len(line) > len_accepted] lines_selected = sorted( lines_selected, key=lambda list_: np.mean(list_[:, 0])) return lines_selected
[docs] def group_dots_ver_lines(mat, slope, dot_dist, ratio=0.3, num_dot_miss=6, accepted_ratio=0.65): """ Group dots into vertical lines. Parameters ---------- mat : array_like A binary image or a list of (y,x)-coordinates of points. slope : float Vertical slope of the grid. dot_dist : float Median distance of two nearest dots. ratio : float Acceptable variation. num_dot_miss : int Acceptable missing dots between dot1 and dot2. accepted_ratio : float Use to select lines having the number of dots equal to or larger than the multiplication of the `accepted_ratio` and the maximum number of dots per line. Returns ------- list of array_like List of 2D arrays. Each list is the coordinates (y, x) of dot-centroids belong to the same group. Length of each list may be different. """ mat = np.asarray(mat) if mat.shape[-1] > 2: mat_label, num_dots = ndi.label(np.int16(mat)) list_dots = np.copy(center_of_mass( mat, labels=mat_label, index=np.arange(1, num_dots + 1))) else: list_dots = mat num_dots = len(list_dots) if num_dots == 0: raise ValueError("Input is empty!!!") list_dots = np.fliplr(list_dots) # Swap the coordinates num_dots_left = num_dots list_dots_left = np.copy(list_dots) list_dots_left = list_dots_left[list_dots_left[:, 1].argsort()] list_lines = [] while num_dots_left > 1: dot1 = list_dots_left[0] dots_selected = np.asarray([dot1]) pos_get = [0] for i in range(1, len(list_dots_left)): dot2 = list_dots_left[i] check = _check_dot_on_line( dot1, dot2, slope, dot_dist, ratio, num_dot_miss) if check: dot1 = dot2 dots_selected = np.vstack((dots_selected, dot2)) pos_get.append(i) list_pos = np.arange(0, len(list_dots_left), dtype=np.int32) pos_get = np.asarray(pos_get, dtype=np.int32) list_pos_left = np.asarray( [pos for pos in list_pos if pos not in pos_get], dtype=np.int32) list_dots_left = list_dots_left[list_pos_left] num_dots_left = len(list_dots_left) if len(dots_selected) > 1: dots_selected = np.fliplr(dots_selected) # Swap back list_lines.append(dots_selected) list_length = [len(i) for i in list_lines] len_accepted = np.int16(accepted_ratio * np.max(list_length)) lines_selected = [line for line in list_lines if len(line) > len_accepted] lines_selected = sorted( lines_selected, key=lambda list_: np.mean(list_[:, 1])) return lines_selected
[docs] def remove_residual_dots_hor(list_lines, slope, residual=2.5): """ Remove dots having distances larger than a certain value from fitted horizontal parabolas. Parameters ---------- list_lines : list of array_like List of the coordinates of dot-centroids on horizontal lines. slope : float Horizontal slope of the grid. residual : float Acceptable distance in pixel unit between a dot and a fitted parabola. Returns ------- list of array_like List of 2D arrays. Each list is the coordinates (y, x) of dot-centroids belong to the same group. Length of each list may be different. """ list_lines2 = [] for i, list_ in enumerate(list_lines): (a2, a1, a0) = np.polyfit(list_[:, 1], list_[:, 0], 2) error = np.abs( ((a2 * list_[:, 1] ** 2 + a1 * list_[:, 1] + a0) - list_[:, 0]) * np.cos(np.arctan(slope))) dots_left = np.asarray( [dot for i, dot in enumerate(list_) if error[i] < residual]) list_lines2.append(dots_left) return list_lines2
[docs] def remove_residual_dots_ver(list_lines, slope, residual=2.5): """ Remove dots having distances larger than a certain value from fitted vertical parabolas. Parameters --------- list_lines : list of float List of the coordinates of the dot-centroids on the vertical lines. slope : float Slope of the vertical line. residual : float Acceptable distance in pixel unit between the dot and the fitted parabola. Returns ------- list of float List of 2D array. Each list is the coordinates (y, x) of dot-centroids belong to the same group. Length of each list may be different. """ list_lines2 = [] for i, list_ in enumerate(list_lines): list_ = np.fliplr(list_) # Swap the coordinates (a2, a1, a0) = np.polyfit(list_[:, 1], list_[:, 0], 2) error = np.abs( ((a2 * list_[:, 1] ** 2 + a1 * list_[:, 1] + a0) - list_[:, 0]) * np.cos(np.arctan(slope))) dots_left = np.asarray( [dot for i, dot in enumerate(list_) if error[i] < residual]) dots_left = np.fliplr(dots_left) # Swap back list_lines2.append(dots_left) return list_lines2
[docs] def calculate_threshold(mat, bgr="bright", snr=2.0): """ Calculate a threshold value based on Algorithm 4 in Ref. [1]. Parameters ---------- mat : array_like 2D array. bgr : {"bright", "dark"} To indicate the brightness of the background against image features. snr : float Ratio (>1.0) used to separate image features against noise. Greater is less sensitive. Returns ------- float Threshold value. References ---------- .. [1] """ size = max(mat.shape) list_sort = np.sort(np.ndarray.flatten(mat)) list_dsp = ndi.zoom(list_sort, 1.0 * size/len(list_sort), mode='nearest') npoint = len(list_dsp) xlist = np.arange(0, npoint, 1.0) ndrop = int(0.25 * npoint) (slope, intercept) = np.polyfit(xlist[ndrop:-ndrop - 1], list_dsp[ndrop:-ndrop - 1], 1) y_end = intercept + slope * xlist[-1] noise_level = np.abs(y_end - intercept) if bgr == "bright": threshold = intercept - noise_level * snr * 0.5 else: threshold = y_end + noise_level * snr * 0.5 return threshold