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# Author: Nghia T. Vo
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# Publication date: 10th July 2018
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Module of post-processing methods:

- Correct distortion for a line of dots or an image.
- Generate unwarped slices of a 3D dataset.
- Calculate the residual of undistorted dots.

import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize
from scipy.ndimage import map_coordinates

[docs] def unwarp_line_forward(list_lines, xcenter, ycenter, list_fact): """ Unwarp lines of dot-centroids using a forward model. Parameters ---------- list_lines : list of 2D arrays List of the coordinates of dot-centroids on each line. list_fact : list of floats Polynomial coefficients of the forward model. Returns ------- list_ulines : list of 2D arrays List of the unwarped coordinates of dot-centroids on each line. """ list_ulines = [] list_expo = np.arange(len(list_fact), dtype=np.int16) for _, line in enumerate(list_lines): uline = np.zeros_like(line) for j, dot in enumerate(line): xd = dot[1] - xcenter yd = dot[0] - ycenter rd = np.sqrt(xd * xd + yd * yd) factor = np.sum(list_fact * np.power(rd, list_expo)) uline[j, 1] = xcenter + factor * xd uline[j, 0] = ycenter + factor * yd list_ulines.append(uline) return list_ulines
def _func_diff(ru, rd, *list_fact): return (rd - ru * np.sum( np.asarray([fact * ru ** i for i, fact in enumerate(list_fact)]))) ** 2
[docs] def unwarp_line_backward(list_lines, xcenter, ycenter, list_fact): """ Unwarp lines of dot-centroids using a backward model. The method finds the coordinates of undistorted points from the coordinates of distorted points using numerical optimzation. Parameters ---------- list_lines : list of 2D arrays List of the coordinates of dot-centroids on each line. list_fact : list of floats Polynomial coefficients of the backward model. Returns ------- list_ulines : list of 2D arrays List of the unwarped coordinates of dot-centroids on each line. """ list_ulines = [] for _, line in enumerate(list_lines): uline = np.zeros_like(line) for j, dot in enumerate(line): xd = dot[1] - xcenter yd = dot[0] - ycenter rd = np.sqrt(xd * xd + yd * yd) list_arg = [rd] list_arg.extend(list_fact) minimum = optimize.minimize(_func_diff, rd, args=tuple(list_arg)) ru = minimum.x[0] if rd != 0.0: factor = ru / rd else: factor = 0.0 uline[j, 1] = xcenter + factor * xd uline[j, 0] = ycenter + factor * yd list_ulines.append(uline) return list_ulines
[docs] def unwarp_image_backward(mat, xcenter, ycenter, list_fact, order=1, mode="reflect"): """ Unwarp an image using a backward model. Parameters ---------- mat : array_like 2D array. xcenter : float Center of distortion in x-direction. ycenter : float Center of distortion in y-direction. list_fact : list of float Polynomial coefficients of the backward model. order : int, optional. The order of the spline interpolation. mode : {'reflect', 'grid-mirror', 'constant', 'grid-constant', 'nearest', 'mirror', 'grid-wrap', 'wrap'}, optional To determine how to handle image boundaries. Returns ------- array_like 2D array. Distortion-corrected image. """ (height, width) = mat.shape xu_list = np.arange(width) - xcenter yu_list = np.arange(height) - ycenter xu_mat, yu_mat = np.meshgrid(xu_list, yu_list) ru_mat = np.sqrt(xu_mat ** 2 + yu_mat ** 2) fact_mat = np.sum(np.asarray( [factor * ru_mat ** i for i, factor in enumerate(list_fact)]), axis=0) xd_mat = np.float32(np.clip(xcenter + fact_mat * xu_mat, 0, width - 1)) yd_mat = np.float32(np.clip(ycenter + fact_mat * yu_mat, 0, height - 1)) indices = np.reshape(yd_mat, (-1, 1)), np.reshape(xd_mat, (-1, 1)) mat = map_coordinates(mat, indices, order=order, mode=mode) return mat.reshape((height, width))
[docs] def unwarp_image_forward(mat, xcenter, ycenter, list_fact): """ Unwarp an image using a forward model. Should be used only for assessment due to the problem of vacant pixels. Parameters ---------- mat : float 2D array. xcenter : float Center of distortion in x-direction. ycenter : float Center of distortion in y-direction. list_fact : list of floats Polynomial coefficients of the forward model. Returns ------- array_like 2D array. Distortion-corrected image. """ (height, width) = mat.shape xd_list = np.arange(width) - xcenter yd_list = np.arange(height) - ycenter xd_mat, yd_mat = np.meshgrid(xd_list, yd_list) rd_mat = np.sqrt(xd_mat ** 2 + yd_mat ** 2) fact_mat = np.sum(np.asarray( [factor * rd_mat ** i for i, factor in enumerate(list_fact)]), axis=0) xu_mat = np.intp( np.round(np.clip(xcenter + fact_mat * xd_mat, 0, width - 1))) yu_mat = np.intp( np.round(np.clip(ycenter + fact_mat * yd_mat, 0, height - 1))) mat_unw = np.zeros_like(mat) mat_unw[yu_mat, xu_mat] = mat return mat_unw
[docs] def unwarp_slice_backward(mat3D, xcenter, ycenter, list_fact, index): """ Generate an unwarped slice [:,index.:] of a 3D dataset, i.e. one unwarped sinogram of a 3D tomographic data. Parameters ---------- mat3D : array_like 3D array. Correction is applied along axis 1. xcenter : float Center of distortion in x-direction. ycenter : float Center of distortion in y-direction. list_fact : list of floats Polynomial coefficients of a backward model. index : int Index of the slice Returns ------- array_like 2D array. Distortion-corrected slice. """ if len(mat3D.shape) < 3: raise ValueError("Input must be a 3D data") (depth, height, width) = mat3D.shape xu_list = np.arange(0, width) - xcenter yu = index - ycenter ru_list = np.sqrt(xu_list ** 2 + yu ** 2) flist = np.sum(np.asarray( [factor * ru_list ** i for i, factor in enumerate(list_fact)]), axis=0) xd_list = np.clip(xcenter + flist * xu_list, 0, width - 1) yd_list = np.clip(ycenter + flist * yu, 0, height - 1) yd_min = np.int16(np.floor(np.amin(yd_list))) yd_max = np.int16(np.ceil(np.amax(yd_list))) + 1 yd_list = yd_list - yd_min sino = np.zeros((depth, width), dtype=np.float32) indices = yd_list, xd_list for i in range(depth): sino[i] = map_coordinates( mat3D[i, yd_min:yd_max, :], indices, order=1, mode='reflect') return sino
def _mapping(mat, xmat, ymat): """ Apply a geometric transformation to a 2D array Parameters ---------- mat : array_like 2D array. xmat : array_like 2D array of x-coordinates. ymat : array_like 2D array of y-coordinates. Returns ------- array_like 2D array. """ coord = np.vstack((np.ndarray.flatten(ymat), np.ndarray.flatten(xmat))) mat = map_coordinates(mat, coord, order=1, mode='reflect') return mat.reshape(xmat.shape)
[docs] def unwarp_chunk_slices_backward(mat3D, xcenter, ycenter, list_fact, start_index, stop_index): """ Generate a chunk of unwarped slices [:,start_index: stop_index, :] used for tomographic data. Parameters ---------- mat3D : array_like 3D array. Correction is applied along axis 1. xcenter : float Center of distortion in x-direction. ycenter : float Center of distortion in y-direction. list_fact : list of floats Polynomial coefficients of a backward model. start_index : int Starting index of slices. stop_index : int Stopping index of slices. Returns ------- array_like 3D array. Distortion-corrected slices. """ if (len(mat3D.shape) < 3): raise ValueError("Input must be a 3D data") (depth, height, width) = mat3D.shape index_list = np.arange(height, dtype=np.int16) if stop_index == -1: stop_index = height if (start_index not in index_list) or (stop_index not in index_list): raise ValueError("Selected index is out of the range") xu_list = np.arange(0, width) - xcenter yu1 = start_index - ycenter ru_list = np.sqrt(xu_list ** 2 + yu1 ** 2) flist = np.sum(np.asarray( [factor * ru_list ** i for i, factor in enumerate(list_fact)]), axis=0) yd_list1 = np.clip(ycenter + flist * yu1, 0, height - 1) yu2 = stop_index - ycenter ru_list = np.sqrt(xu_list ** 2 + yu2 ** 2) flist = np.sum(np.asarray( [factor * ru_list ** i for i, factor in enumerate(list_fact)]), axis=0) yd_list2 = np.clip(ycenter + flist * yu2, 0, height - 1) yd_min = np.int16(np.floor(np.amin(yd_list1))) yd_max = np.int16(np.ceil(np.amax(yd_list2))) + 1 yu_list = np.arange(start_index, stop_index + 1) - ycenter xu_mat, yu_mat = np.meshgrid(xu_list, yu_list) ru_mat = np.sqrt(xu_mat ** 2 + yu_mat ** 2) fact_mat = np.sum(np.asarray( [factor * ru_mat ** i for i, factor in enumerate(list_fact)]), axis=0) xd_mat = np.float32(np.clip(xcenter + fact_mat * xu_mat, 0, width - 1)) yd_mat = np.float32( np.clip(ycenter + fact_mat * yu_mat, 0, height - 1)) - yd_min sino_chunk = np.asarray( [_mapping(mat3D[i, yd_min: yd_max, :], xd_mat, yd_mat) for i in range(depth)]) return sino_chunk
[docs] def calc_residual_hor(list_ulines, xcenter, ycenter): """ Calculate the distances of unwarped dots (on each horizontal line) to each fitted straight line which is used to assess the straightness of unwarped lines. Parameters ---------- list_ulines : list of 2D arrays List of the coordinates of dot-centroids on each unwarped horizontal line. xcenter : float Center of distortion in x-direction. ycenter : float Center of distortion in y-direction. Returns ------- array_like 2D array. Each element has two values: 1) Distance of a dot to the center of distortion; 2) Distance of this dot to the nearest fitted straight line. """ list_data = [] for i, line in enumerate(list_ulines): line = np.asarray(line) y_list = line[:, 0] - ycenter x_list = line[:, 1] - xcenter (a_fact, b_fact) = np.polyfit(x_list, y_list, 1) dist_list = np.abs( a_fact * x_list - y_list + b_fact) / np.sqrt(a_fact ** 2 + 1) radi_list = np.sqrt(x_list ** 2 + y_list ** 2) list_tmp = np.asarray(list(zip(radi_list, dist_list))) list_data.extend(list_tmp) list_data = np.asarray(list_data) return list_data[list_data[:, 0].argsort()]
[docs] def calc_residual_ver(list_ulines, xcenter, ycenter): """ Calculate the distances of unwarped dots (on each vertical line) to each fitted straight line which is used to assess the straightness of unwarped lines. Parameters ---------- list_ulines : list of 2D arrays List of the coordinates of dot-centroids on each unwarped vertical line. xcenter : float Center of distortion in x-direction. ycenter : float Center of distortion in y-direction. Returns ------- array_like 2D array. Each element has two values: 1) Distance of a dot to the center of distortion; 2) Distance of this dot to the nearest fitted straight line. """ list_data = [] for i, line in enumerate(list_ulines): line = np.asarray(line) y_list = line[:, 0] - ycenter x_list = line[:, 1] - xcenter (a_fact, b_fact) = np.polyfit(y_list, x_list, 1) dist_list = np.abs( a_fact * y_list - x_list + b_fact) / np.sqrt(a_fact ** 2 + 1) radi_list = np.sqrt(x_list ** 2 + y_list ** 2) list_tmp = np.asarray(list(zip(radi_list, dist_list))) list_data.extend(list_tmp) list_data = np.asarray(list_data) return list_data[list_data[:, 0].argsort()]
[docs] def check_distortion(list_data): """ Check if the distortion is significant or not. If the number of dots having the residual greater than 1 pixel is greater than 15% of the total number of dots, there's distortion. Parameters ---------- list_data : array_like List of [radius, residual] of each dot. Returns ------- bool """ check = False res_list = np.asarray(list_data[:, 1]) perc_err = (1.0 * len(res_list[res_list > 1.0]) / len(res_list)) if perc_err > 0.15: check = True return check
[docs] def correct_perspective_line(list_lines, list_coef): """ Apply perspective correction to lines. Parameters ---------- list_lines : list of 2D-arrays List of the (y,x)-coordinates of points on each line. list_coef : list of floats Coefficients of the forward-mapping matrix. Returns ------- list_clines : list of 2D arrays List of the corrected (y,x)-coordinates of points on each line. """ if len(list_coef) != 8: raise ValueError("!!! Eight coefficients are required !!!") c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8 = list_coef list_clines = [] for i, iline in enumerate(list_lines): line = np.asarray(iline) x = line[:, 1] y = line[:, 0] xn = (c1 * x + c2 * y + c3) / (c7 * x + c8 * y + 1.0) yn = (c4 * x + c5 * y + c6) / (c7 * x + c8 * y + 1.0) list_clines.append(np.asarray(list(zip(yn, xn)))) return list_clines
def _generate_perspective_map(mat, list_coef): """ Generate mapping indices between images. """ c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8 = list_coef (height, width) = mat.shape xu_list = np.arange(width) yu_list = np.arange(height) xu_mat, yu_mat = np.meshgrid(xu_list, yu_list) mat_tmp = (c7 * xu_mat + c8 * yu_mat + 1.0) xd_mat = (c1 * xu_mat + c2 * yu_mat + c3) / mat_tmp yd_mat = (c4 * xu_mat + c5 * yu_mat + c6) / mat_tmp xd_mat = np.float32(np.clip(xd_mat, 0, width - 1)) yd_mat = np.float32(np.clip(yd_mat, 0, height - 1)) indices = np.reshape(yd_mat, (-1, 1)), np.reshape(xd_mat, (-1, 1)) return indices
[docs] def correct_perspective_image(mat, list_coef, order=1, mode="reflect", map_index=None): """ Parameters ---------- mat : array_like 2D array. Image for correction. list_coef : list of floats Coefficients of the backward-mapping matrix. order : int, optional. The order of the spline interpolation. mode : {'reflect', 'grid-mirror', 'constant', 'grid-constant', 'nearest', 'mirror', 'grid-wrap', 'wrap'}, optional To determine how to handle image boundaries. map_index : array_like Indices for mapping. Generated if None is given. Returns ------- array_like Corrected image. """ if len(list_coef) != 8: raise ValueError("!!! Eight coefficients are required !!!") (height, width) = mat.shape if map_index is None: map_index = _generate_perspective_map(mat, list_coef) mat_corr = map_coordinates(mat, map_index, order=order, mode=mode) return mat_corr.reshape((height, width))