Source code for discorpy.losa.loadersaver

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# Author: Nghia T. Vo
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# Publication date: 10th July 2018
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Module for I/O tasks:

- Load data from an image file (tif, png, jpg) or a hdf file.
- Save a 2D array as a tif/png/jpg image or a 2D, 3D array to a hdf file.
- Save a plot of data points to an image.
- Save/load metadata to/from a text file.


import os
import h5py
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from collections import OrderedDict

[docs] def load_image(file_path, average=True): """ Load data from an image. Parameters ---------- file_path : str Path to a file. average : bool, optional Average a multichannel image if True. Returns ------- array_like """ if "\\" in file_path: raise ValueError("Please use the forward slash in the file path") try: mat = np.asarray(, dtype=np.float32) except IOError: raise ValueError("No such file or directory: {}".format(file_path)) if len(mat.shape) > 2 and average is True: axis_m = np.argmin(mat.shape) mat = np.mean(mat, axis=axis_m) return mat
def _get_key(name, obj): """ Find a key path having 'data' in a dataset. Use with Group.visititems() method to walk through a hdf5 tree. """ wanted_key = 'data' if isinstance(obj, h5py.Group): for key, val in list(obj.items()): if key == wanted_key: if isinstance(obj[key], h5py.Dataset): key_path = + "/" + key return key_path
[docs] def get_hdf_information(file_path): """ Get information of datasets in a hdf/nxs file. Parameters ---------- file_path : str Path to the file. Returns ------- list_key : str Keys to the datasets. list_shape : tuple of int Shapes of the datasets. list_type : str Types of the datasets. """ if "\\" in file_path: raise ValueError("Please use the forward slash in the file path") ifile = h5py.File(file_path, 'r') keys = [] ifile.visit(keys.append) list_key = [] list_shape = [] list_type = [] for key in keys: data = ifile[key] if isinstance(data, h5py.Group): for key2, _ in list(data.items()): list_key.append(key + "/" + key2) else: list_key.append( for i, key in enumerate(list_key): data = ifile[list_key[i]] try: shape = data.shape except Exception: shape = None try: dtype = data.dtype except Exception: dtype = None list_shape.append(shape) list_type.append(dtype) ifile.close() return list_key, list_shape, list_type
[docs] def find_hdf_key(file_path, pattern): """ Find datasets matching the pattern in a hdf/nxs file. Parameters ---------- file_path : str Path to the file. pattern : str Pattern to find the full names of the datasets. Returns ------- list_key : str Keys to the datasets. list_shape : tuple of int Shapes of the datasets. list_type : str Types of the datasets. """ if "\\" in file_path: raise ValueError("Please use the forward slash in the file path") ifile = h5py.File(file_path, 'r') list_key = [] keys = [] ifile.visit(keys.append) for key in keys: data = ifile[key] if isinstance(data, h5py.Group): for key2, _ in list(data.items()): list_key.append( + "/" + key2) else: list_key.append( list_dkey = [] list_dshape = [] list_dtype = [] for _, key in enumerate(list_key): if pattern in key: list_dkey.append(key) data = ifile[key] try: shape = data.shape except Exception: shape = None list_dshape.append(shape) try: dtype = data.dtype except Exception: dtype = None list_dtype.append(dtype) ifile.close() return list_dkey, list_dshape, list_dtype
[docs] def load_hdf_file(file_path, key_path=None, index=None, axis=0): """ Load data from a hdf5/nxs file. Parameters ---------- file_path : str Path to a hdf/nxs file. key_path : str Key path to a dataset. index : int or tuple of int Values for slicing data. Can be integer, tuple or list, e.g index=(start,stop,step) or index=(slice1, slice2, slice3,slice4). axis : int Slice direction Returns ------- array_like 2D array or 3D array. """ if "\\" in file_path: raise ValueError("Please use the forward slash in the file path") mat = None try: ifile = h5py.File(file_path, 'r') except IOError: raise ValueError("Couldn't open file: {}".format(file_path)) if key_path is None: key_path = ifile.visititems(_get_key) # Find the key automatically if key_path is None: raise ValueError("Please provide the key path to the dataset!") check = key_path in ifile if not check: raise ValueError("Couldn't open object with the key path: " "{}".format(key_path)) idata = ifile[key_path] shape = idata.shape if len(shape) < 2 or len(shape) > 3: raise ValueError("Require a 2D or 3D dataset!") if len(shape) == 2: mat = np.asarray(idata) if len(shape) == 3: axis = np.clip(axis, 0, 2) if index is None: mat = np.float32(idata[:, :, :]) else: if isinstance(index, int): try: if axis == 0: mat = np.float32(idata[index, :, :]) elif axis == 1: mat = np.float32(idata[:, index, :]) else: mat = np.float32(idata[:, :, index]) axis = np.clip(axis, 0, 1) except IndexError: raise if isinstance(index, tuple) or isinstance(index, list): if len(index) == 3: starti = index[0] stopi = index[1] stepi = index[2] list_index = list(range(starti, stopi, stepi)) elif len(index) == 2: starti = index[0] stopi = index[1] list_index = list(range(starti, stopi)) else: list_index = list(index) try: if axis == 0: mat = np.float32(idata[list_index, :, :]) elif axis == 1: mat = np.float32(idata[:, list_index, :]) else: mat = np.float32(idata[:, :, list_index]) except IndexError: raise if mat.shape[axis] == 1: mat = np.swapaxes(mat, axis, 0)[0] if mat.shape[axis] == 0: raise ValueError("Empty indices!") return mat
[docs] def load_hdf_object(file_path, key_path): """ Load a hdf/nexus dataset as an object. Parameters ---------- file_path : str Path to a hdf/nxs file. key_path : str Key path to a dataset. Returns ------- object hdf/nxs object. """ if "\\" in file_path: raise ValueError("Please use the forward slash in the file path") try: ifile = h5py.File(file_path, 'r') except IOError: raise ValueError("Couldn't open file: {}".format(file_path)) check = key_path in ifile if not check: raise ValueError("Couldn't open object with the key path: " "{}".format(key_path)) return ifile[key_path]
def _create_folder(file_path): """ Create a folder to save a file if not exists. Parameters ---------- file_path : str Path to a file """ file_base = os.path.dirname(file_path) if not os.path.exists(file_base): try: os.makedirs(file_base) except OSError: raise ValueError("Can't create the folder: {}".format(file_path)) def _create_file_name(file_path): """ Create a file name to avoid overwriting. Parameters ---------- file_path : str Path to a file Returns ------- str Updated file path. """ file_base, file_ext = os.path.splitext(file_path) if os.path.isfile(file_path): nfile = 1 check = True while check: name_add = '0000' + str(nfile) file_path = file_base + "_" + name_add[-4:] + file_ext if os.path.isfile(file_path): nfile = nfile + 1 else: check = False return file_path
[docs] def save_image(file_path, mat, overwrite=True): """ Save 2D data to an image. Parameters ---------- file_path : str Output file path. mat : array_like 2D array. overwrite : bool, optional Overwrite an existing file if True. Returns ------- str Updated file path. """ if "\\" in file_path: raise ValueError("Please use the forward slash in the file path") file_base, file_ext = os.path.splitext(file_path) if not (file_ext == ".tif" or file_ext == ".tiff"): if mat.dtype != np.uint8: nmin, nmax = np.min(mat), np.max(mat) if nmax != nmin: mat = np.uint8(255.0 * (mat - nmin) / (nmax - nmin)) else: mat = np.uint8(mat) else: if len(mat.shape) > 2: axis_m = np.argmin(mat.shape) mat = np.mean(mat, axis=axis_m) _create_folder(file_path) if not overwrite: file_path = _create_file_name(file_path) image = Image.fromarray(mat) try: except IOError: raise ValueError("Couldn't write to file {}".format(file_path)) return file_path
[docs] def save_plot_image(file_path, list_lines, height, width, overwrite=True, dpi=100): """ Save the plot of dot-centroids to an image. Useful to check if the dots are arranged properly where dots on the same line having the same color. Parameters ---------- file_path : str Output file path. list_lines : list of array_like List of 2D arrays. Each list is the coordinates of dots on a line. height : int Height of the image. width : int Width of the image. overwrite : bool, optional Overwrite the existing file if True. dpi : int, optional The resolution in dots per inch. Returns ------- str Updated file path. """ if "\\" in file_path: raise ValueError("Please use the forward slash in the file path") _create_folder(file_path) if not overwrite: file_path = _create_file_name(file_path) fig = plt.figure(frameon=False) fig.set_size_inches(width / dpi, height / dpi) ax = plt.Axes(fig, [0., 0., 1.0, 1.0]) ax.set_axis_off() fig.add_axes(ax) plt.axis((0, width, 0, height)) m_size = 0.5 * min(height / dpi, width / dpi) for line in list_lines: plt.plot(line[:, 1], height - line[:, 0], '-o', markersize=m_size) try: plt.savefig(file_path, dpi=dpi) except IOError: raise ValueError("Couldn't write to file {}".format(file_path)) plt.close() return file_path
[docs] def save_residual_plot(file_path, list_data, height, width, overwrite=True, dpi=100): """ Save the plot of residual against radius to an image. Useful to check the accuracy of unwarping results. Parameters ---------- file_path : str Output file path. list_data : array_like 2D array. List of [residual, radius] of each dot. height : int Height of the output image. width : int Width of the output image. overwrite : bool, optional Overwrite the existing file if True. dpi : int, optional The resolution in dots per inch. Returns ------- str Updated file path. """ if "\\" in file_path: raise ValueError("Please use the forward slash in the file path") _create_folder(file_path) if not overwrite: file_path = _create_file_name(file_path) fig = plt.figure(frameon=False) fig.set_size_inches(width / dpi, height / dpi) m_size = 0.5 * min(height / dpi, width / dpi) plt.rc('font', size=np.int16(m_size * 4)) plt.rcParams[''] = 'Times New Roman' plt.rcParams['font.weight'] = 'bold' plt.xlabel('Radius', fontweight='bold') plt.ylabel('Residual', fontweight='bold') plt.plot(list_data[:, 0], list_data[:, 1], '.', markersize=m_size) try: plt.savefig(file_path, dpi=dpi, bbox_inches='tight') except IOError: raise ValueError("Couldn't write to file {}".format(file_path)) plt.close() plt.rcParams.update(plt.rcParamsDefault) return file_path
[docs] def save_hdf_file(file_path, idata, key_path='entry', overwrite=True): """ Write data to a hdf5 file. Parameters ---------- file_path : str Output file path. idata : array_like Data to be saved. key_path : str Key path to the dataset. overwrite : bool, optional Overwrite an existing file if True. Returns ------- str Updated file path. """ if "\\" in file_path: raise ValueError("Please use the forward slash in the file path") file_base, file_ext = os.path.splitext(file_path) if not ((file_ext == '.hdf') or (file_ext == '.h5')): file_ext = '.hdf' file_path = file_base + file_ext _create_folder(file_path) if not overwrite: file_path = _create_file_name(file_path) try: ofile = h5py.File(file_path, 'w') except IOError: raise ValueError("Couldn't write to file {}".format(file_path)) grp = ofile.create_group(key_path) grp.create_dataset("data", data=idata) ofile.close() return file_path
[docs] def open_hdf_stream(file_path, data_shape, key_path='entry/data', data_type='float32', overwrite=True, **options): """ Open stream to write data to a hdf/nxs file with options to add metadata. Parameters ---------- file_path : str Path to the file. data_shape : tuple of int Shape of the data. key_path : str Key path to the dataset. data_type: str Type of data. overwrite : bool Overwrite the existing file if True. options : dict, optional Add metadata. Example: options={"entry/angles": angles, "entry/energy": 53}. Returns ------- object hdf object. """ if "\\" in file_path: raise ValueError("Please use the forward slash in the file path") file_base, file_ext = os.path.splitext(file_path) if not (file_ext == '.hdf' or file_ext == '.h5' or file_ext == ".nxs"): file_ext = '.hdf' file_path = file_base + file_ext _create_folder(file_path) if not overwrite: file_path = _create_file_name(file_path) try: ofile = h5py.File(file_path, 'w') except IOError: raise ValueError("Couldn't write to file: {}".format(file_path)) if len(options) != 0: for opt_name in options: opts = options[opt_name] for key in opts: if key_path in key: msg = "!!! Selected key path, '{0}', can not be a " \ "child key-path of '{1}' !!!\n!!! Change to make " \ "sure they are at the same level " \ "!!!".format(key, key_path) raise ValueError(msg) ofile.create_dataset(key, data=opts[key]) data_out = ofile.create_dataset(key_path, data_shape, dtype=data_type) return data_out
[docs] def save_metadata_txt(file_path, xcenter, ycenter, list_fact, overwrite=True): """ Write metadata to a text file. Parameters ---------- file_path : str Output file path. xcenter : float Center of distortion in x-direction. ycenter : float Center of distortion in y-direction. list_fact : float 1D array. Coefficients of a polynomial. overwrite : bool, optional Overwrite an existing file if True. Returns ------- str Updated file path. """ if "\\" in file_path: raise ValueError("Please use the forward slash in the file path") file_base, file_ext = os.path.splitext(file_path) if not ((file_ext == '.txt') or (file_ext == '.dat')): file_ext = '.txt' file_path = file_base + file_ext _create_folder(file_path) if not overwrite: file_path = _create_file_name(file_path) metadata = OrderedDict() metadata['xcenter'] = xcenter metadata['ycenter'] = ycenter for i, fact in enumerate(list_fact): kname = 'factor' + str(i) metadata[kname] = fact with open(file_path, "w") as f: for line in metadata: f.write(str(line) + " = " + str(metadata[line])) f.write('\n') return file_path
[docs] def load_metadata_txt(file_path): """ Load distortion coefficients from a text file. Parameters ---------- file_path : str Path to a file. Returns ------- tuple of floats and list Tuple of (xcenter, ycenter, list_fact). """ if "\\" in file_path: raise ValueError("Please use the forward slash in the file path") with open(file_path, 'r') as f: x = list_data = [] for i in x: list_data.append(float(i.split()[-1])) xcenter = list_data[0] ycenter = list_data[1] list_fact = list_data[2:] return xcenter, ycenter, list_fact
[docs] def save_plot_points(file_path, list_points, height, width, overwrite=True, dpi=100, marker="o", color="blue"): """ Save the plot of dot-centroids to an image. Useful to check if the dots are arranged properly where dots on the same line having the same color. Parameters ---------- file_path : str Output file path. list_points : list of 1D-array List of the (y-x)-coordinates of points. height : int Height of the image. width : int Width of the image. overwrite : bool, optional Overwrite the existing file if True. dpi : int, optional The resolution in dots per inch. marker : str Plot marker. Full list is at: color : str Marker color. Full list is at: Returns ------- str Updated file path. """ if "\\" in file_path: raise ValueError("Please use the forward slash in the file path") _create_folder(file_path) if not overwrite: file_path = _create_file_name(file_path) fig = plt.figure(frameon=False) fig.set_size_inches(width / dpi, height / dpi) ax = plt.Axes(fig, [0., 0., 1.0, 1.0]) ax.set_axis_off() fig.add_axes(ax) plt.axis((0, width, 0, height)) m_size = 0.5 * min(height / dpi, width / dpi) for point in list_points: plt.plot(point[1], height - point[0], marker, color=color, markersize=m_size) try: plt.savefig(file_path, dpi=dpi) except IOError: raise ValueError("Couldn't write to file {}".format(file_path)) plt.close() return file_path